I've decided to add a collar with embedded amber. It's not finished yet, the idea is to make it rather ornate and very old world! But my other job took over yesterday afternoon and pulled me away from my studio. I do find myself wishing in moments of inspiration that my studio was not separated with just a wall from my other job. But then again...I can just take one step and I'm back in my studio, immersing myself in that world that, as you all know... artists are always in. I am very fortunate to be able to play between work!
I like the added addition of the collar :)
Thank you ...it won't be quite so plain when it's finished. I have a question about the DAG Skelly Challenge. Is it still going and may I join? What do I have to do to join? I had an idea I wanted to mess with some clay and see if I could get a reasonable facsimile out of my head into the real world, before I asked!
There is still time to sign up for the DAG Skelly Challenge. It ends March 31.
Its under the events on the DAG Group site.
Cant wait to see what you do :)
Thank you, I think I'll do that. I saw the e-mail concerning the calender, I have a bunch of things to finish, I just don't think I can find the time for three new pieces and the commissions I have to do. It sounds like fun though!!! I wish I could!
WhooHoo! He's a beauty! Love the amber added!
yes, you are! fortunate, that is ... but then again, so are we that you are sharing your work with us. I love watching the transformations take place & think the amber color is going to be a stunner!
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